Rasputin RIS from DeMo. This is so much better on draught. Raisins, choccy and coffee. A bit too drinkable!
Keep a few back: three/four year old 12 is tremendous!
Post Modern Dunkel!!!!!!Tonightcould bewill get very dark...
2 from a brewery close to where I am staying this week from the An Teallach Ale Company, Dundonnell, Nr. Ullapool - Crofters' Pale Ale, and The Hector, which is a Scottish stout. (I'd link their webpage but they don't have one...)
Also Orkney Brewery's Skull Splitter http://www.sinclairbreweries.co.uk/skull_splitter.html
And Brewmeister Black Hawk (again, no website and I have low expectations of it having read a few reviews)
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Post Modern Dunkel!!!!!!
It's not you - most of the beers have ridiculous names and descriptions but it's all part of the pretentious fun!I know, I know...in my defence it was on the bottom shelf and I didnae have on my glasses so just made out the "p" and thought it said "porter" - honest, guv. They claim it's "post modern" because theydon't have a clue what it meansadd coffee and chocolate during the brewing process.