...and the glass came too! I do love that aspect of Belgian boozing.
...and the glass came too! I do love that aspect of Belgian boozing.
Proper pint glass, passes the Albert Tatlock test that.Kid 1 was at a birthday party so took the opportunity to support a local business - Toga Man from the BBC, very nice beer with quite a long bitter finish for a 4.2%er - good stuff!
View attachment 40066
Proper pint glass, passes the Albert Tatlock test that.
+1 on that...I was expecting something that kicked like a mule!Off work this week so the 'no beer on school night' rule doesn't count. Thought I was buying Punk IPA but it turned out to be Dead Pony Club, nice beer, good hoppy nose and taste, surprisingly it's only a 3.8% beer.
View attachment 40240
They were selling that stuff in the pub tonight - Punk IPA, I mean, on tap. Is it keg? I didn't want to risk it.
View attachment 40270
Yep. It's keg.
They were selling that stuff in the pub tonight - Punk IPA, I mean, on tap. Is it keg? I didn't want to risk it.
I had 4 pints of this instead - local brewery and a nice medium hoppy beer. Proper session ale.
View attachment 40270