Corn Fed Hick...
- Location
- ...on the slake
Moving onto an Ellenberg Black Ale, it's nice but I'm struggling with it as it's so fuggin fizzy!
I am now a bigger fan of Kernel. An a huge fan of Mean Time. However one has to shop local and all and support local traders so tonight, ladies and gentlemen.....Nice selection @GrumpyGregry - that Kernel beer is my fave!
Just tried this from Marks and 'Spensive, not that I go in there natch, Meantime Black IPA, very nice, lots of malts, lots of hops, good work!
View attachment 34828
Tell me that's as foul as it sounds DP?!!!!!!
Check out tonight's tipple..
That's bananas.Check out tonight's tipple..
Sounds vile.Check out tonight's tipple..
He's definitely not getting a like for it.That's gonna be fecking disgusting!
Check out tonight's tipple..