- Location
- Some imaginary Flanders
Thanks dude! dark and strong is my preferenceWas having a chat with a mate who's working at Borefts. The beers to watch out for are XXV from Emelisse (it's an icecream-maker job, so I have my doubts) and Plastic Soup from De Molen (not on the list I think, but aged in several different barrels apparently). Hit them early before they sell out. This year's fad will be balsamic vinegar beers.
Plans are for a visit early Friday. Unlikely I'll get there Saturday, but give me a call if you're in Delft on Sunday - i'll bag you some bottles from Het Uiltje!

I noticed on the beer list that there were a few vinegary brews, I'll try one..... then probably go back on the imperials (Struisse have a couple that look ridiculously good - I want some Calvados barrelled stuff). Any recommendations for Utrecht btw? We'll be out on the Friday night, and no doubt on the Saturday post-borefts if last year was anything to go by - we found a not great but very friendly bar who served us a great deal of dark, strong beers and bitterballen in Bodegraven and had a great time with a bunch of Brit beer geeks (there seem to be loads going this year)