Refreshment stop just before Antwerp,as per the glass, lambic, sour and welcome...
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Antwaarpse Pale Ale... View attachment 470096
Out in Manchester and popped into the Marble Arch. Good pint of "Differently Hopped Dobber" but this was better...Magic Rock Fantasma IPA
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Even better, I bumped into @mythste looking every part the Northern Quarter hipster
Dinner in Ciaoo...decent pizzeria and has nice beers. Italian IPA
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That last sentence has to be a strong contender for quote of the year!So yesterday with Mossy, Claud, Skol etc was a maelstrom of stupidly strong Northern monk stuff, marshmallow porters, mango lassi gose (was it a gose? I cant remember), something with hibiscus, Manchester tart (the beer not the tart) all washing down "Manchester Eggs" which are like Scotch Eggs, but with added black pudding and a pickled rather than conventional egg. Most dishes are improved with the addition of black pudding and the eggs were no different.
I hope it tastes better than it looksSiren in collaboration with Left Handed Giant. Snake Legs described as an Imperial Saison with Rhubarb, it clocks 8.6 on the alchometry scale. The strong vanilla tones make it rather more custard than rhubarb but it is fruity at the front with an aftertaste that you'd expect from a strong Belgian ale. The label says they wanted to do something different and they certainly achieved that.
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