I got told off for buying a Delirium Tremors glass. Mrs C said it wasn't funny and shouldn't be made light of. I didn't admit I'd only bought it because it had pink elephants on and shuffled off to read what Delirium Tremors actually were.
I got told off for buying a Delirium Tremors glass. Mrs C said it wasn't funny and shouldn't be made light of. I didn't admit I'd only bought it because it had pink elephants on and shuffled off to read what Delirium Tremors actually were.
I had the smaller can of festbeer last night, I might have to put a peg on my nose and force the big one down.
The Lomond was a strange one, typical modern IPA, but not clear or full on cloudy either, a kind of murkiness that made it seem to taste a bit thin.
I never quite got rye beers - somehow, they're always on the edge of being enjoyable but don't quite make the grade for me. I do love the colour of them, though.View attachment 466265 View attachment 466264 This is a favourite
Marstons used to brew it for Tesco, it was called revisionist rye pale ale but it was discontinued
Fast forward and Sainsbury’s now stock it as this
And I’m glad about it
At least they took the flowers out first.
I wouldn't bother with the Steamtown IPA, it reminded me of medicine, I've just poured half of it away and open up a Big Job.View attachment 466233
I’d agree with you about the Lomand, it starts out ok but doesn’t go anywhere
This is nicer imo from Lidl at the moment
I never quite got rye beers - somehow, they're always on the edge of being enjoyable but don't quite make the grade for me. I do love the colour of them, though.
Is that BBNo's TDH? They had some at a local beer festival but it would have knocked me out. It's important to pace yourself.....First proper craft place I've found in Gent and they have BBNo on tap. Most excellent!
View attachment 466499
Is that BBNo's TDH? They had some at a local beer festival but it would have knocked me out. It's important to pace yourself.....
Sorry, the TIPA was the beer I meant. The 55 is pretty good, isn't it.This is 55, a DIPA. Pacing myself before I hit up the 85 TIPA!