Glory first, then death. Obvs.Now here's a choice - do I go for Death or Glory?
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'Very few'?!I had a taste of this earlier on. The are very few beers dedicated to tyre pressure and - bonus - it's excellent!
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I had a taste of this earlier on. The are very few beers dedicated to tyre pressure and - bonus - it's excellent!
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Glory first, then death. Obvs.
How many can you name?'Very few'?!
How many can you name?
I guessed so but it's still very few.I think that was TCs point!
The bar we went into in Ghent had a good beer menu. Below is a small selection.How about this Westvleteren ! :
Got it in a most unlikely seeming bar in the marina in Portishead (the Siren's Call) after a 12 mile walk from Bristol. The landlord is an enthusiast for Belgian Beer and stocks 50+ varieties. Having had a Triple Karmelite (arguably my favourite beer) much enhanced by being served in the correct glass I glanced at the beer menu - my god he's got Westvleteren ! For those not in the know this is regularly claimed as "the best beer in the world" It is brewed by trappiste monks in small quantities and only sold in single cases to callers in person, which would include the landlord on his Belgian beer runs
By way of tasting notes it is a complex, strong, rich and chocolatey brew, not miles away from the much more readily found Rochefort 10." Best beer in the world" - maybe / maybe not but a fine brew undeniably. I'm privileged to have been able to try it albeit at a premium price but not a piss take price (£15 - ouch, but hey ho). Rest of the belgian fine beers were a perfectly reasonable fiver or so.
On balance I prefer the "tripel" styles rather than the darker doubles or said Westie, so my own "best beer in the world" list is perhaps Kermelite, St Feuillien Tripel, Kasteel Tripel ir maybe Westmalle Tripel, though with the abive Westie or Rochefort 10 contenders for a darker alternative,
A real treat to be able to try such a thing in such and unlikely location
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The bar we went into in Ghent had a good beer menu. Below is a small selection.
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We are going back to Ghent in July. We have some unfinished business there. We only got through a few on the first page.We spent a few days in Ghent visiting many bars and which was my first serious tasting of the wonders of Belgian beer. Sadly I didn't take notes at the time , so have had to repeat many of the tastings. Our motorbike tour took in Ghent, Ypres (a stunningly beautiful town rebuilt after being flattened by shelling in the Great War, then to the Ardennes. Subsequent trip took in Bruges.
I really like Belgium.
One could argue "best beer in the world" till the cows home home but I'd need a lot of convincing it wasn't from Belgium
I thought PSI was something to do with mis-selling mortgagesI had a taste of this earlier on. The are very few beers dedicated to tyre pressure and - bonus - it's excellent!
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