Why do brewers keep on trying to make fruited saison beer? They never cease to disappoint.
Last night we had a tap takeover by Partisan from that London; they sent Dee who was lovely and paired cheese to the beers.
The one beer I was looking forward to most was Peach Iced Tea Saison ; nice saison but where's the peach? I asked Dee how happy they were with how the fruit had come through and she rattled on about how it was white peaches, not sweet juicy peaches, and it was brewed in collaboration with Masterchef winner, Tim Anderson, and basically I ought to consider shutting up because, like, y'know Tim Anderson... White peaches. Well I say I don't like the Emperor's new clothes.
Sorry, Dee, I didn't mean to offend but you're no Burning Sky and that bloke off the telly, he knows nothing about beer. Or peaches.
Aaaaannnnnd, relax