Assume so, the one for £25 had me gulping a bitThe Magic Rock and Siren are marked as BA in their description. Is BA brown ale?
Assume so, the one for £25 had me gulping a bitThe Magic Rock and Siren are marked as BA in their description. Is BA brown ale?
The Magic Rock and Siren are marked as BA in their description. Is BA brown ale?
That's not bad for a crate.Assume so, the one for £25 had me gulping a bit
Have your photos been green hopped or is my phone on the blink?Milkshake ipa and a corduroy mild...
View attachment 440196
View attachment 440197
Much better ales than last year...
Have your photos been green hopped or is my phone on the blink?
Was that Cloudwater?On Saturday night we went to see Bohemian Rhapsody... 1 ticket left, so we went to the Free Press in Cambridge. Very nice, but I can’t remember what it was!
Then we went to the Cambridge Blue and I had 2 pints of this
View attachment 440462
We then went to the Pint Shop . I stumped up 6 quid for a pint, jigger me!
Not yet. I was up at Moor's the weekend before last and it still hadn't properly opened, though I gather that there have been several ''soft launches'' for people in the trade. It's on my list, high on my list....@deptfordmarmoset Have you checked out the new Cloudwater bar yet?
(And BBNo are going to open a place in Peckham.)