Full time tea drinker
- Location
- Armonmy Way
Well, I think I pulled off my pub night with my 85 year old mother and her Swiss family, even managing to get a very good cook (Italian mother....) to enjoy a pizza in England! We started on Villages Rodeo for local flavour and they suggested citrus, particularly grapefruit. That's about right for Villages. I then wandered over to Sussex for a Lost & Found Fomosaic APA, which is one fruity Mofosaic, while mum got given a Villages Rafiki and my cousin got a Renegade IPA. General approval....
As the glasses were empty when a longish cab wait was announced, a Lost and Found Fomosaic went to my cousin, and a Tiny Rebel Fubar pale found its way into my glass. I can't find anything about it on their website, though it did remind me that I need to catch a CWTCH before the year is out. Another light and summery grapefruit number.
2 Newies for me, I think.
As the glasses were empty when a longish cab wait was announced, a Lost and Found Fomosaic went to my cousin, and a Tiny Rebel Fubar pale found its way into my glass. I can't find anything about it on their website, though it did remind me that I need to catch a CWTCH before the year is out. Another light and summery grapefruit number.
2 Newies for me, I think.