Here's a question: what is a good beer? I've been semi-consciously developing a theory that every mouthful should be a journey, a transition across the palate - for example, 76, a Slaters Haka, was heavily weighted to the end. If beers could be likened to a concerto: an unsubstantial first movement, a malty middle, and a complicated sombre final movement.
77, in contrast, a Mobberley Brewhouse 1924, started with a spirited opening movement, full of lemony zest, a Cascading middle movement, and a feeble fluster where the finale should have been.
78, a Bexley Brewery Black Prince porter (named after an old local roadhouse) carried its dark fruitcake theme throughout. Mincemeat and plums. A rich Brahmsian way of finishing off the night's sampling.
So, anyway, how do others drink their beers?
(Let's face it, you can't do it entirely sober....)