I appear to have drunk rather a lot last night.
It wasn't so much a tour of a brewery as an excuse to get their customers leathered - and at £15 a head an absolute bargain. So the pint I had beforehand was a bit
de trop.
We worked our way through their basic bitter (HBB) by the grist hopper, Surrey Nirvana (a golden ale with a bit of Americana, as the name - a pun on Sierra Nevada - suggests) by the mash tun, TEA and Green TEA (a once-a-year brew made with fresh rather than just dried hops) in the Board Room:
Four large jugs in each place between about 20 people, some of whom were drinking less than others...
They also wheeled out a jug each of their lager (curious - made with some British hops as well as the trad German ones), their cider (made by Thatchers) and something called Utopia, a brew made to mark each round 1,000 days of brewing and sadly a bit stale. And finally a couple of bottles of lager with added chocolate. Sadly A over T didn't make an appearance. I appear to have come home with half a dozen bottles from their excellent bottle shop but by that stage of the evening I didn't have the presence of mind to find an A over T.
We then went to the pub for some food. One of my colleagues blithely paid for it and told me I'd be signing off his expenses - until I pointed out that I'm no longer his line manager and he'd have to negotiate with his (teetotal) new manager about that.
If it wasn't for the fact that the ride to the nearest station might be a bit perilous I'd suggest it as a beer thread outing for next summer.