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John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
A Widnes sunrise; Hoegaarden and Guinness.

Was it Mossy?
Not nearly enough fruit in that, surely?
Is he a tosser?
Anyone who can walk up to the bar, look the barmaid in the eye ask for a half Guiness, half Hoegarrden, watch it mix and then turn to me with a twinkle in his eye and say, "It's a Widnes sunrise, tosh, luvverly", is cooler than you and I could ever imagine ourselves being.
A bit more of the designers stuff..
Nice. It reminded me a bit of a street artist spotted in Paris by Stephanie Lombard (I got given the book last weekend by my friend Benoit, so it's a 'hot topic' for me!)
Sara Conti is the artist's name, and the similarity I noticed with her offerings.

As for Rich, mixing up his "Saisons" with a Delirium Christmas glass, I can only think that the cryptic nature of the Man O' Brighton is showing that there's Noel in Duve. Very clever Rich.
I don't know who we're talking about. Have you ever been to a bar with crax, bought beer cocktails and looked at him with a twinkle in your eye?
Two out of three ain't bad


11% barley wine I made. Bottled a couple of weeks ago, so needs some more time to carb up properly, but quite pleased with this one. I boiled the wort for 4 hours to try and get melanoidins to form. It's nice and dark, very sweet, with a burnt treacle finish and a thick mouthfeel.

The rest are going away until winter.

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