I did yesterday's ride in the evening when it was a bit cooler.
I slept with lots of doors and windows open last night and a damp flannel next to my bed so I could cool myself down every 20 minutes or so.
Too damn hot to do a proper ride today, so I just nipped out my singlespeed bike to Lidl for supplies before the sun got too high in the sky and am now sitting in shorts watching the Tour de France live. After finishing this brief scan of the forum I will get back to working on developing my puzzle game.
I might do a couple of hours on the bike earlyish tomorrow if the conditions are ok.
I'm hoping to get a 100 km ride in at the weekend when it should be cooler.
I've never liked 25+ C, especially if humidity is significant. For riding, I prefer 15-20 C; for sitting around, 20-25 C.