Basic Bike Maintenance

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Hey guys,

I've picked up a Chris Boardman Hybrid Comp 2010 last night with the plan to start commuting to work very soon.
As the weather is turning for the worst I'm looking for some basic maintenance tips and how often you perform them.

The most i've ever maintained my bike is to get the jet wash on it and spray the gears with wd40 but im guessing that this probably isnt the best way..

Any tips or links appreciated


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Two things come to my mind : -

1. Mudguards. Sorry and all that but they will save a lot of salt and muck getting flung up into every nook & cranny of you and your bike.

2. A chain cleaning device. Keeping the chain as clean as you can will go a long way to mitigating the winter's ravages.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
Wet wipe are a must have for anyone. They replace the need for a jet wash and dry the bike a lot quicker.
Clean your bike after every wet ride (Or when the bike gets dirty). (That reminds me that i need to clean mine tonight. Been in the garage 3 days absolutely filthy).
WD40 or any lubricant is good for the chain but make sure you clean all the cogs once every so often.


Über Member
Youtube is your friend when it comes to bike repair. Need to know how to grease the bearings in your bikes bottom bracket? Search it on YouTube. Want to know how to remove a chain? YouTube. Replacing a tire? YouTube.

There is close enough a video tutorial for everything! And if those fail, you can ask more specific questions here.
get an old rag with some baby-wipes on top then wrap them round your chain and back pedal with the other hand. You-tube does show it.... inc those daft chain cleaning machines!!!!:whistle:. Using a jet-wash is ok if its caked in mud to get the excess off but then you should do it by hand. WD40??? Ha ha.... That stuff will start many a row on here...:laugh:. I use it to clean my chain and should i have missed a bit it doesn't do any harm. I did a thread on here last month called Clean that chain!!! Lots of good tips on there from most of the forum.:thumbsup:. Check your tyre pressures are ok on a regular basis; The chain is the main thing at this time of year though.
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