He might have just been shocked that a cyclist wasn't a pedal-width from the kerb any more.

I see from the video that it isn't just you, but most of the cyclists videoed seem to spend far too much time riding far too close to the kerb and stopped vehicles for my liking. There's at least one riding
between the double-red lines and the kerb!

I guess that might help explain why I got unusually much aggro riding down the mostly-bus-lane CS7 a while back - I rode in primary or secondary, not the gutter.
Dodgy riding position isn't really the cyclists' fault: it looks like most of the cycle lanes you videoed aren't wide enough for a proper position, which encourages a misconception (for both motorists and cyclists) that people should cycle in the gutter; and a lot of the junctions don't seem to have any way to get to the advanced bike stop line without kerb-skimming.