I can highly recommend balance bikes, our first did the whole stabiliser off routine, took her ages to get her confidence, but she got there in the end, killed our backs, months of holding onto her.
Our second, a boy (whether this has anything to do with it, I'm not sure) had a balance bike at 3. The first day he got his big bike, aged five, he got on and rode, none of this hanging onto the back of him. So impressed, want to do it for our youngest, age 3. Only problem is he is so tall, the balance bike is too small for him. I remember my Uncle taking the pedals off my cousins bike and doing the very same.
Each to their own, who am I to criticise how people do things. There are many different ways to do things, everyone has their own opinion, I certainly wouldn't tell anyone they are doing it wrong. Some people just like to moan I guess.