Grand Old Lady
It is a bit odd that they've built it out from both sides a fraction at the same point, rather than one side then the other, with cycle bypasses - which is itself not a great design.
Anyway, that's not really a chicane, is it? It's just an artificial pinch point again using cyclists as human speed bumps.
Can anyone remember what would the Dutch do? I don't remember artificial pinch points on A roads there. In general, bike-friendly speed humps seemed to be the weapon of choice for slowing motorists down (and they have lovely bike-unfriendly ones in the few places they want to slow cyclists down...)
They are different lengths down that road, more representative of a traditional single lane chicane. But the reason they build them from both sides and at seemingly random lengths is that they are also crossing points for pedestrians with dropped curbs... Absolutely amazing idea.
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