on wet rocks it really doesn't make a difference what tires you use but just so you sleep well tonight on my boardman ht pro i have conti mountain kings and on my V10 I run a maxxis high roller on the rear and a maxxis minion on the front.
I can't agree. Whilst no tyres I've tried work supremely well on wet rocks some work better, noticeably better, markedly better, remarkably better, than others at, say, Nant Yr Arian.
Of course in real life, covering sensible distances outside the confines of the average trail centre you can be riding over a lot of different geology and your choice has to be a compromise. The last day of my autumn trans-cambrian I used mud tyres even though I had one stream bed style mountain side to ride down (it's wet 365 days a year, covered in slime and moss and is just bare rock otherwise). The descent was interesting but the rest of the day would have been miserable if I'd have gone for a tyre that suited that Welsh mountain side.
Ideally I'd say "Woman, meet me at grid reference such-and-such at 14:30 hours and make sure you have my spare wheels with you" but the lovely Helen would just give me a hard stare if I tried to pull that one....
.... because she can't read maps.