I guess it's all relative to each individual as to what's fast, long, acceptable, useless etc.
In all seriousness I am happy just footling along on my bike. I like to see my distance and average speed slowly climb but I'm not fixated on it.
I get off more on the sheep, hills and other sights I see along the way.
I do marvel at some of the mileages some of the guys knock out on here.
Personally I think 80 miles a week or 4000 a year is absolutely huge - I'll come in at about 11--1200 in this my first full year since I restarted cycling and in all honesty I don't see it ever getting much beyond that in subsequent years.
Even a semi (nearly fully) retired working life of 10 weeks holiday and 16 hours a week the rest of year just does not give me the time to get out that much.
Maybe its simply because I lack the drive and ambition that I had in my let's call them.....more frenetic years.
Or maybe its because I get my kicks in the mountains more than on a bike.