Interesting that Shooter was working in Gwent, to me at least. Some good friends of mine live in that neck of the woods, with two kids. One has ASC and personifies nicely the term 'diagnosed in Tesco aspie' - as in it is blindingly obvious - but it took years of their parents fighting to even get assessed followed by more years of battles to get a statement. Although when that finally got put on place it was for the practically unheard of 25 hours of 1-2-1. Said child, finally diagnosed and suitably supported, has flourished in secondary school - top results in year/school/county in some exams - after years of primary school misery with their parents being told that their child was just naughty and not as clever as they, with their aspirational middle class expectations, believed.
Their second child has no statement - because statements were no longer being awarded to any child - and they _definitely_ didn't have dyslexia, apparently, because no children were being diagnosed with the condition any more. My friends were told, once again, that the problem was their refusal to accept that their kid was just a bit thick which, having known said child their whole life, I know isn't true. Fortunately, their secondary school believes that the kid has genuine barriers to learning and act accordingly. Yes, it is only anecdata from one family but services in Gwent hardly seem to be a shining beacon of best practice to me..
Their second child has no statement - because statements were no longer being awarded to any child - and they _definitely_ didn't have dyslexia, apparently, because no children were being diagnosed with the condition any more. My friends were told, once again, that the problem was their refusal to accept that their kid was just a bit thick which, having known said child their whole life, I know isn't true. Fortunately, their secondary school believes that the kid has genuine barriers to learning and act accordingly. Yes, it is only anecdata from one family but services in Gwent hardly seem to be a shining beacon of best practice to me..