Audax: Kings & Queens of Mercia, Sat 7th Sep

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
It's in September, so I'm guessing one will arrive along with detailed instructions about a week before the event.

Ajax Bay

East Devon
Nearly every Audax UK calendar event will have a .gpx issued with the final instructions. As for a routesheet, styles vary but I attach one I did for the recent Kernow and Southwest 600, to give you an idea what it might look like.
If I'm impatient and the ride is one that's been ridden before, one can often find a plot (caveat randonneur) by searching on RwGPS using the start location (Aylestone, Leicester proximity <5km) and distance (eg 206-218km). Better still have fun plotting it yourself (although not know the info controls will mean the result is approximate).
"A 214km ride starting from Aylestone Leicester. with controls at Egginton (A38 Services), Great Haywood and a free control at Whittington. includes 4 info controls."


  • Routesheet-K&D600-4printing.xlsx
    48.1 KB · Views: 7
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This is the route from 2022: I doubt that it will have changed significantly but the definitive route will be circulated closer to the event date. My entry is in. Now that you are a film star I will actually know who I am looking for and will hopefully see you there :tongue:
I rode this one last year when it ran in the springtime. Route was the same as the GPX above. It's a decent route, I was pleasantly surpised. Takes in Bradgate Park early enough to avoid the crowds. Highlights include the wooded climbs near Alton, cafe at Gt Hayward, the climb over Cannock Chase and the impressive Lichfield Cathedral. First main control is in a service station and not worth hanging around at. For the free control there is a Co-op for those looking to tick off their audax bingo cards. Finishes in one of Leicester's best pubs. Good chance I'll do it again this year.


Senior Member
Well, I've signed up for this Audax now.
I'll be glad for the company, especially as I don't trust my Edge 510 to give me turn-by-turn directions!
Say hello if you see me.👍 Cheers


Active Member
Well, I've signed up for this Audax now.
I'll be glad for the company, especially as I don't trust my Edge 510 to give me turn-by-turn directions!
Say hello if you see me.👍 Cheers
View attachment 739333

Hi Mazz.
I have to say I have been riding Audax (Randonneuring in the US) for many years and have never used any electronic routing device. I use paper cue sheets and never miss a turn. The RWGPS shown includes cue's on the left side of the page. I use my Wahoo solely for miles (needed for matching with the cues) and sometimes speed.
Enjoy the ride, and no need to fret about it being your first 200K. If all fails, just enjoy the day out on the bike. As long as you know the points of the compass, you can always find your way home.


Senior Member
Hi Mazz.
I have to say I have been riding Audax (Randonneuring in the US) for many years and have never used any electronic routing device. I use paper cue sheets and never miss a turn. The RWGPS shown includes cue's on the left side of the page. I use my Wahoo solely for miles (needed for matching with the cues) and sometimes speed.
Enjoy the ride, and no need to fret about it being your first 200K. If all fails, just enjoy the day out on the bike. As long as you know the points of the compass, you can always find your way home.

Thanks for the encouragement, Ken.

I did my first 100k in February (I think) and I memorised every turn by following the cue sheet on Google maps on my PC, noting any landmarks as a cue for making turns etc. On the day, I had a happy coincidence early on at a set of traffic lights with another rider - a great lad - and we buddied up for the entire ride. He had a decent GPS and between us we were fine.
I'll try the same preparation this time and also take a paper cue sheet.


Senior Member
I'm confused by all the different file formats (admittedly, the file I'm trying to load - for the time being - is the 2022 route).
Which is the best one for my Edge 510? It's an old one.


EDIT: Tried the TCX file - 4,461KB - (which gives turn-by-turn, apparently) but not enough space on my Garmin :laugh:.
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13 rider

Looks a nice route . It will get a bit climby around Alton towers did those roads a few weeks ago . If you've not got a cafe sorted out the farm shop in Denistone just off route is excellent
I'm not a fan of cycling over the island to cross the A50 at Markfield as it's crosses the dual carriageway just after the M1 and people approach it at motorway speeds . There's a crossing just down from the island via the service road I prefer , have a good day
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