Au revoir, once more into the breach etc...

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New Member
Aye! Good luck Kirstie - you'll need it! ;)
Ha ha thanks everyone.
Our route is:
Rogart - Aultguish staying at the Aultguish Inn bunkhouse also involves an off road section. Oh the hilarity! Do they do snow ploughs for bikes?
Aultguish - Gairloch staying at the youth hostel
Gairloch - Rubha Reidh (a short day so we can stay in the hostel at the lighthouse)
Rubha Reidh - Torridon (youth hostel again)
Torridon - Applecross, staying at the campsite
Applecross - Plockton including the Bealach na ba.

Then it will be a miracle if we get back because of the train strike!
There will be lots of pics, although I don't do write ups - they're too much like what I do for my job.


Legendary Member
Oh Dear:sad:
The south is cut off just now with snow blocking the railway between Perth and Inverness, also Aberdeen and Inverness.
Never mind, blockages are usually cleared quickly at this time of year.:biggrin:

The Bealach na Ba is blocked too.;)
dragon72 said:
Try using a Vicks inhaler, or eat a very spicy curry. That should shift it.

;) +1
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