Puzzle game procrastinator!
- Location
- Todmorden - Yorks/Lancs border
Echo that. Forgot to say they put me on Rovoroxaban which is anticoagulant, Easier to manage than Warfarin apparently.
Right, well that has confirmed my choice not to make the change to NOACs!Maybe for some people, I clotted again on Rivaoxaban so back on the warfarin :-). Ho hum ...
Right, well that has confirmed my choice not to make the change to NOACs!
I am getting along fine on Warfarin, but having to go back to venous blood sampling recently is a bloody pain in the ar...m! I'm sure that you will be having the same experience? The nurse told me that all of the test strips for the fingerprick tests have been recalled nationally. Sounds like a serious cockup in the supply chain. It makes me wonder whether the machines had been misreading for some time?
Right, well that has confirmed my choice not to make the change to NOACs!
I am getting along fine on Warfarin, but having to go back to venous blood sampling recently is a bloody pain in the ar...m! I'm sure that you will be having the same experience? The nurse told me that all of the test strips for the fingerprick tests have been recalled nationally. Sounds like a serious cockup in the supply chain. It makes me wonder whether the machines had been misreading for some time?
I don't know, but my numbers seem better since going back to the old tests. I have another on Thursday myself so I'll ask for more info too.Why have they being recalled , my inr results have been jumping all over the place and I have had to go every week to have it checked, this has been happening for the last couple of months, due at Dr's again Thursday for check so will make a point of asking
Why have they being recalled , my inr results have been jumping all over the place and I have had to go every week to have it checked, this has been happening for the last couple of months, due at Dr's again Thursday for check so will make a point of asking
Blimey, that was a potentially life-threatening cock-up!I think this is it
but check with your docs, rather than believing what you read online :-)
Blimey, that was a potentially life-threatening cock-up!
Now that they know about the problem it is just a nuisance for all concerned. It is obviously a lot more work to take venous samples and ship them off to a lab for testing than to just put a drop of blood on a test strip in a machine and wait 20 seconds for a result.
I'm not a big fan of having needles stuck in my arm but the last few times the person wielding the needle did at least know what she was doing so I hardly felt it. I had one a few years back though who didn't have a clue - she missed the vein and wiggled the needle about for several seconds trying to find it ... that was nasty and damn painful!
I hated them - the back of the hand is so delicate!Yeah, I still remember when I had the cannula for my first ct scan .... ouch.
I just had another INR blood sample taken and had a chat with the nurse. She said that they had noticed that machine readings had started to get erratic. Then they had one patient whose INR was given by the machine as a very high 8 so they took a venous sample and had that tested in the lab. The correct result was a scary 13!!!! Shortly after that the test strips were recalled. They are hoping that the situation will be resolved soon.I am getting along fine on Warfarin, but having to go back to venous blood sampling recently is a bloody pain in the ar...m! I'm sure that you will be having the same experience? The nurse told me that all of the test strips for the fingerprick tests have been recalled nationally. Sounds like a serious cockup in the supply chain. It makes me wonder whether the machines had been misreading for some time?
I think that nobody should be relying on important medical test equipment only being half-unreliable! Apart from which, I don't believe that - my readings were sometimes much higher than usual AND sometimes much lower than usual before they stopped using the machines here. Mysteriously, since going back to venous testing the readings have settled down again!My range is 2 to 3 and my readings have been all over the place alately , I asked about the dodgy test strips and there answer was it only affects readings over 5 ,mine are usually under my range