At last ! A helmet

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Well-Known Member
yenrod said:
Yeah it was Beach - but the chainy waited/stopped for me...and I was on the back (of the group after I started off again)...if it wasnt for that helmet I wouldnt have got up for a while.

What beachcaster's trying to say is that your video link is busted...

(Hey, I'm only trying to help. I'd hate to see a helmet thread fizzle out at a mere two pages xx()


New Member
Just a guess, he might mean this one?

A full face helmet would have been more protective, and the British Dental Association is now wanting this type as the standard and "Headway" is using the literature as pat of their campaign.... can anyone argue against this obvious protection, medical advice and support of a head injury charity.

Buy a full face helmet NOW - you know it makes sense.


New Member
yenrod said:
Now, Beach, you seriously cannot tell me that some kind of damage WOULD HAVE OCCURED if I hadn't had my helmet on !

I feel you DON'T have to answer that AS its quite sensible AND self-preserving that a helmet saves further injury...! :smile:

That video link is very similar to my last crash - 23/24 mph into a roundabout, patch of diesel on the curve, woosh...

I lost a lot of skin on knee, hip, shoulder, elbow but guess what - no helmet, no head injury, not even a scrape above the shoulder.

I've also lost count of the number of times people looked at my knee and asked if I was wearing a helmet.

Funnily enough one of the people who asked me was a friend who fell from a ladder while constructing a pergola and smashed his arm in three places. Nobody asked him if he was wearing a helmet. :biggrin:


Legendary Member
yenrod said:
The last crash I had was like this:
I would have wanted full body armour if I had to cycle like that.:biggrin:
Cycling too fast for the conditions.
Cornering on the wrong side of the road.
Cycling too close to other cyclists.
That's not cycling yenrod, that's racing, I rather think beachcaster would have had a helmet long ago if he was a racing type.
We must differentiate between the disciplines within cycling when discussing helmet wearing.:smile:


snorri said:
We must differentiate between the disciplines within cycling when discussing helmet wearing.:smile:
Must we?

If you go down when your front washes out, do the circumstances change how hard you hit the pavement? :biggrin:


Active Member
I should have realised that the issue of me buying a helmet would have wound a few people up. I dont like it ...nor do I think it might help me in any other situation than falling off and hitting my head on something hard.

The reason I bought it after a lot of verbal ear ache from my family is that it strategically earned me a lot of brownie points
these brownie points have now used to purchase some nice new ortlieb panniers.

Its important not to take your eye off the main game

which of course is domestic bliss :biggrin:



back and brave
beachcaster said:
Quite right..........SWMBO informed me and took me to a shop to choose one !

If it made my wife happier then I'd probably wear a helmet too. I personally prefer not to but I don't believe the science is absolute one way or the other.


Well-Known Member

Norm said:
Must we?

If you go down when your front washes out, do the circumstances change how hard you hit the pavement? :biggrin:

Yes, I would think it is important to take account of the type of cycling. I have VERY little chance of wiping out while pootling down to Tescos on a sunny day for a loaf of bread.

It's all about risk assessment. If we didn't do risk assessment in everyday life, then by your reasoning, we should make our kids wear helmets all the time, even when they're out walking.[/I]


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
Weegie said:
It's all about risk assessment. If we didn't do risk assessment in everyday life, then by your reasoning, we should make our kids wear helmets all the time, even when they're out walking.
Lol - that might be a good idea for my youngest who seems perfectly capable of falling over on a smooth, flat piece of ground!! :biggrin::biggrin:


Active Member
Weegie said:
It's all about risk assessment. If we didn't do risk assessment in everyday life, then by your reasoning, we should make our kids wear helmets all the time, even when they're out walking.

Why let then out at all !!!!
Utopia :biggrin:



Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I'm sure I saw something on tv, cant remember what, think a news report. Was in a kids nursery and all the litluns were wearing what looked like helmets.

Weegie said:
Yment. If we didn't do risk assessment in everyday life, then by your reasoning, we should make our kids wear helmets all the time, even when they're out walking.


Just call me Chris...
beachcaster said:
I should have realised that the issue of me buying a helmet would have wound a few people up. I dont like it ...nor do I think it might help me in any other situation than falling off and hitting my head on something hard.

The reason I bought it after a lot of verbal ear ache from my family is that it strategically earned me a lot of brownie points
these brownie points have now used to purchase some nice new ortlieb panniers.

Its important not to take your eye off the main game

which of course is domestic bliss :smile:


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