I don't know if the system in Wales is different to that in England or Scotland but am surprised that some people say there is no difference in quality of care between the LA and more expensive private care homes. I have had a lot of experience of visiting elderly relatives in care homes, and did work in a few of them before I retired, and I found a huge difference in quality depending on how much you were prepared to pay. I even fell out with a cousin because he put his father, who had dementia, in the cheapest care home in the area. It was a smelly sh*thole and what made it worse was that his father's estate was worth close on a million and inheritance tax free. As it happens, luckily he only had to live there for five months before he died and my scumbag cousin didn't lose much out of "his" inheritance.
I have no problem with all my assets being used to ensure that, should the worst happen I, and particularly my wife, have enough to fund many years in a comfortable care home not a slum.
My kids know this, have been helped with buying their homes, have good jobs and no real concerns over money and know that they have to take their chances on how much, if any, is left.
I would obviously prefer to leave them as much as I can but they know and agree that I have not worked all my life to ensure that they will be OK financially when I go.