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Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill

He means it isn't becoming all too frequent. Its very rare.


Senior Member
Let's hope the driver loses his licence and has to ride a BSO on the streets for a year. Glad you seem OK.

Think I'll start saving for a camera.

Cycling Dan

Cycle Crazy
Glad you're ok.

From what you have written its seems open and shut case but will not say more than that without the video footage.
Personally any possible further upload would be good to show how somethings can changeor even unpredictable.
Also name and shame. So everyone around him knows what he has done, call it public punishment.

Black Country Ste

Senior Member
West Midlands
Thanks everyone. I want the all-clear from Plod before I make it public and I think the warrant card-carrying CCers would agree. After that I'm tempted to publicise the hell out of it. I've spoken to another Brum helmet cammer who got a successful prosecution based on his video evidence (I think it was a victim of YouTube's privacy policy) so I'm confident of a result.

Only problem now is they were meant to come and see me tonight for a statement. Brum South dealt with my call and they've decided to cancel and pass it on to Brum East as I live in their patch. So I'm going to the station to see them first thing tomorrow.


Active Member
Wow so close to home! Too many maniac drivers around brum these days. Had some lunatic try to over take me at a round about despite the fact that he was taking the first exit. Driving dangerously, putting the lives of other road users at risk in order to get to your destination 1 second earlier is just plain lunacy.


Wiltshire, UK
[QUOTE 2367189, member: 259"]<beats head repeatedly against brick wall in disbelief>[/quote]

Really! Why do you say that?


Well-Known Member
I find i get more aggrevation from pedestrians/ramblers/dog walkers on trails than i ever do on the road from other road users........hence i've just about given up the former & stick to the roads mainly.

Glad the OP is ok by the way, we'll never get rid of all the Nutters unfortunately !!


Wiltshire, UK
Because it's possible to encounter angry and unreasonable people anywhere - on a train, on a bus, walking along the pavement, in a restaurant. Are you going to give those things up too? This kind of thing is fortunately pretty rare, though still horrible and unacceptable when it does occur.

Well of course it's possible, but I'm unlikely to encounter some madman in a white van trying to take me out on my canal towpath. I was just trying to sympathise with the OP and if I decide I would rather ride off road, for any reason, surely that's my decision, it's not for anyone else to deride that decision!


Some tosser in a white minivan yesterday took exception to me giving a wide berth to parked cars, close passing and cutting me up. I gave him a blast of my AirZound, when he stopped in the middle of the street and tried to door me, before catching me up as I tried a U-turn in the mouth of a side road.

He dragged me off the bike and gave me a few thumps across my back before driving off. It's all on camera and I've gone to the police; they're coming tomorrow to take a statement. I'm OK. I was a bit shocked and there's some cosmetic damage to the bike and the rack lost an arm. I think it's an open and shut case for assault and at least one driving offence, possibly three. I've got his reg number and face in perfect focus, a witness' phone number and the number plate of a bus full with passengers.

I'm not making the video public until the case is resolved but have shown it to a few people and it's definitely not one of helmet cam theatrics - it could have been anybody in my place. I'm putting faith in West Midlands Police to deal with this properly.

Keep us posted on the outcome of this....glad your ok


Legendary Member
Some tosser in a white minivan yesterday took exception to me giving a wide berth to parked cars, close passing and cutting me up. I gave him a blast of my AirZound, when he stopped in the middle of the street and tried to door me, before catching me up as I tried a U-turn in the mouth of a side road.

He dragged me off the bike and gave me a few thumps across my back before driving off. It's all on camera and I've gone to the police; they're coming tomorrow to take a statement. I'm OK. I was a bit shocked and there's some cosmetic damage to the bike and the rack lost an arm. I think it's an open and shut case for assault and at least one driving offence, possibly three. I've got his reg number and face in perfect focus, a witness' phone number and the number plate of a bus full with passengers.

I'm not making the video public until the case is resolved but have shown it to a few people and it's definitely not one of helmet cam theatrics - it could have been anybody in my place. I'm putting faith in West Midlands Police to deal with this properly.

Hope they throw the book at the idiot.
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