as a child i was scared

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Bird Saviour
i must have been really young because i can hardly remember this, but i vaguely remember my mum taking me to the loo in a hospital. it must have been a staff toilet or closed for cleaning or something but i clearly remember we weren't supposed to be there and my mum holding my hand and legging it out after i'd been for a wee. for years after i was convinced there was a bog monster or something in there and to this day i've never been able to piece it together. must remember to ask her about it when i next see her.

also, i was scared of the wallpaper in my bedroom. it was some kind of repeating pattern and was fine in daylight, but in the dark it looked like hundreds of scarey faces with scarey eyes. no wonder i had nightmares!


Legendary Member
My mates Uncle Ernie had some video nasties (do they still make them?). We watched one when we were about 8 or 9 and I didn't make it all the way through.;)

No idea what it was called but it involved a strange pulsating blueish rock that people would pick up because it looked interesting. This resulted in a brief topless shot usually (happy campers, courting couples etc) and then lots of unspecified nastiness. Not much gore but very suggestive. It made you use your imagination a lot.:smile:

The result of this was that I was scared of blue socks when rolled into a pair. ;)

I had a lot of trouble sleeping for a while afterwards. My mum asked if it was Doctor Who giving me nightmares. Happy to jump at a tangible reason and avoidance of grassing Uncle Ernie up I agreed that Doctor Who was indeed very scary. Not even close.
One night the boiler in our house broke, and was making a horrible noise trying to start itself, which freaked me out at the time. I also remember not liking the ballcock in the toilet cystern cos it was a horrible colour, and somehow I wasn't expecting to see a spherical object in the back of the loo. Oh and foghorns. I used to hate foghorns at the seaside.
Kirstie, Jacomus- at age eight I was also freaked out by Jeff Wayne's "War of the Worlds." The great narrative, wierd sounds and paintings in the album cover... didn't help that at that time I lived in Surrey not too far from the landing site of the cylinder. Scared me!

Being older now, I really like the album- except for the Red Weed / Spirit of Man parts that drag on too much.

No-one would have believed, in the last years of the 19th century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space..." etc.etc.

Trivia: The cylinder sound effect was a recording of Mrs Wayne scraping a saucepan lid along a bog bowl!


As a youngster in the early 70s...the Cybermen ;):ohmy::ohmy:

They used to frighten the cr@p out of much so if i had to go to the toilet when Dr Who was on, i would run upstairs....pee as fast as humanly possible xx(xx(;)...the flush the toilet with an outstretched arm (something might come out of the loo), and run downstairs as fast as humanly possible.

The agony..the fear...Dr Who's got a lot to answer for :smile::biggrin::biggrin:


Bird Saviour
right, i've just phoned and asked my mom about the loo experience. now i told her that i remembered going to the loo with her and i thought there was some kind of robot/loo monster and she told me that we were on the way to the hospital and i needed the loo and we nipped into the local public toilet in solihull. they were using a machine to clean the toilets with a big hose on it and while i was in the cubicle she was talking to the cleaner. she said the cleaner turned on the machine which made a very loud washing noise and i shot out of the cubicle with my knickers still round my ankles as white as a ghost and hid under her skirt. ;) she said i looked so frightened that she said a quick goodbye to the cleaner and we legged it out. she said she never saw my little legs run so fast up the stairs. right glad that's sorted out in my head, i can move on with my life now.

talking of fog horns... i watched "the fog" when i was young and have been scared of the fog ever since.


Senior Member
The dark


New Member
I'm with gbb, the cybermen frightened the living daylights out of me, I can vividly remember hiding behind my Mum when they were on. I stupidly told my kids this and when the cybermen appeared in the most recent Dr Who incarnation I was laughed to scorn (again!).


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
mickle said:
Did you? Did you really?

<apologies for private joke>

Now, Mickle, that's not fair. Stop trying to scare him into giving you the tandem...

Also, I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only child to see faces in the soft furnishing.
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