. . . . . . . stress (marriage break up last year) and my frantic lifestyle could be root causes...but if I ever get right Ive learned a lifetimes lesson; time to slow down and act my age.
Back in the 80s, I was pretty fit - running around 50 miles a week. My resting pulse was (still is) about 40 bpm.
One morning, I awoke to mind my pulse was beating erratically at around 120-130 bpm.
I had an ECG and eventually, the cause was found to be the vast quantities of coffee (approx. a gallon
yes, really) that I as drinking each day. I was told not to drink any tea/coffee/chocolate or alcohol for a month. The first week was hell - I felt very nauseous, but afterwards I felt great.
I was amazed that an 'innocuous' substance such as instant coffee, could make such a difference to the way that I felt.
I now drink no more than just one cup of tea or coffee or chocolate each day. I go out on a Thursday night; after a customary single pint of Guinness (I drive), I'm on soft drinks for the rest of the evening. If I have diet coke, I'll not sleep all night.
Nearly 30 years on, and I still run and do a tiny bit of cycling as well (just once, this year

); the only times where I've felt a bit 'fluttery', is when I've drunk more than my limit of one cup a day . . . and perhaps guzzled a quantity of chocolate too
The thing is, whilst no single factor might cause you to have palpitations, the cumulative effect of two or three 'stress factors' may well cause you to have these sensations. Watch the stress and 'frantic lifestyle' and cut down on the caffeine. I've found in the past, that when I've been stressed, I'd lie in bed and 'over-analyse' things . . . . . . .
make sure that you get plenty of sleep.
Eventually, your life will (hopefully) return more to an 'even keel' and your heartbeat will return to normal.
Best of luck !
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