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papercorn2000 said:
And that cuts it down?
Yeh. Should narrow it every film he's ever made.
Maybe it's a sequel to Everything Blows Up III.


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
Landslide said:
It was for some time the worst film I had ever seen.
Then I saw Speed 2: Cruise Control.
It seems like you haven't been trying hard enough to find bizarre/crap films... :biggrin:


Grand Canyon

The Seventh Seal (I know it's supposed to be a classic, but really - lines like "Who are you?", "I am death" should be reserved for films for the blind.)

Citizen Kane (again, I know it's a "classic" but it was sh*te. Rosebud. Who the fcuk cares?)

Just my humble little opinion, I'm sure there are many who disagree. :wacko:


Apparently the twosome behind South Park originally wanted to do a remake of Armageddon with puppets and recreate it line by line, scene by scene as they thought it would be the funniest thing ever, but they were refused permission and made 'Team America: World Police' instead.


Legendary Member
Films are relative in their appeal i think.i love the sci fi type ones,but my brother pulls em to bits,for example,he said the president wouldnt be allowed to fly a plane like that,in Independance day.I said i dont look at it scientifically or compare to real life,its just a film designed for some to enjoy as a bit of fun watching it.I also enjoyed mission impossible dayvo,over the top,unreal stunts basically loads of unbelievable things,but i loved it,especailly when he was hanging off the cliff at the start,great effect that,got me in the stomach:smile:

just jim

What kind of plane is the president allowed to fly then? Not to worry, I'll head over to an IMDB forum and get stuck there for two weeks pretending to be an obsessive semi-literate Michael Bay fan from the deep south. it worked before!


just jim said:
What kind of plane is the president allowed to fly then? Not to worry, I'll head over to an IMDB forum and get stuck there for two weeks pretending to be an obsessive semi-literate Michael Bay fan from the deep south. it worked before!

So you're the Michael Bay fan! There can only be one...;)


Legendary Member
just jim said:
What kind of plane is the president allowed to fly then? Not to worry, I'll head over to an IMDB forum and get stuck there for two weeks pretending to be an obsessive semi-literate Michael Bay fan from the deep south. it worked before!

I dont know,probably the fighter in the film attacking the alien craft,but my brother was also banging on about the presidents safety and alsorts of real life things,i tried to tell him it was just a film,but he still insisted it couldnt happen in real life,so it was rubbish:smile:
col said:
I also enjoyed mission impossible dayvo,over the top,unreal stunts basically loads of unbelievable things,but i loved it,especailly when he was hanging off the cliff at the start,great effect that,got me in the stomach:smile:

I enjoy action films, col, but Tom Cruise is just not the actor for those kind of films (any kind of films, for that matter! IMO).

The TV series of Mission Impossible (the original one) was well over the top, but it seemed more believable - maybe as a young kid I thought those things could happen.

Bruce Willis, Arnold, Will Smith, Daniel Craig et al are fine, I just don't like Tom Cruise! ;)
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