Are old (70's 80's) Road bikes any good?

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Well-Known Member
If this is to race on Sam, and I think you do from your other posts, then I would go for something secondhand with Ergo/STI gear shifters. You dont need 11 speed, 8/9 speed perfectly fine.

Having to sit down and back the pressure off to change gear, especially climbs (like your recent hill climb) is a major pain in say a road race or hill climb, you lose time, gaps open etc.


peanut said:
All I am saying is that the op should make sure that the componentry of a 30 year old bike IS up to scratch
Ah, if only that *were* all you said...

That aside, my last word, FWIW, is that you can get a damn fine bike off ebay for £100, if you choose carefully, do your homework, and are prepared to be patient. If you have £200 to spend, the world of fine '80s bikes is your lobster.

At that kind of level and upwards, any bike you choose is likely to have started out with quality componentry - 600/105 or thereabouts - and been looked after by the kind of enthusiast who had several hundreds of pounds to spend on a serious bike back when several hundreds of pounds would buy you most of Lincolnshire.

Good componentry lasts forever. Well, not forever, but decent 30 year old stuff that's received competent maintenance will be fine. Swap an email or three with the seller, to gauge what kind of person you're dealing with, and you should be ok.

It is of course possible to come a cropper. As it is buying a new bike. But the answer to your original question - Are old road bikes any good? - is some are, some aren't. But some that are are very good indeed. And many that are are way way better than anything you'll get new for that kind of money.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
beanzontoast said:
I did too, but you really have got to be careful not to distort the frame geometry.

All told, it may be better for the OP to look for a bike that doesn't need this doing.

I've done it with timber too - but I prefer a length of M10 threaded rod, nuts & big washers. On a 531 frame you may need to force the drop outs to as much as 145 - 150mm apart, the spring back will take it to about 130mm which is what you want for a modern road wheel.
You can put a piece of string around headset and back to drop-outs to check it stays symetrical as you go.

Best is to have a second piece of rod, clamp one onto each drop out, check they line up so you know the drop outs are parallel after you've spread them - or use the rod as lever until they get there.

Whilst I agree it's better to look for a frame that doesnt need this, it is a lot easier job than dealing with stripped crank threads:angry:, stuck seat posts:angry:;), milling out a non-standard head tube to accept a standard headset cups ;):angry::biggrin:- all jobs I have had to do recently on old steel frames.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
ASC1951 said:
Ay, lad, it's been a grand axe, that - only three new heads and five new handles. :smile:

..and here is the 'axe' with new bits. Might need a bit of ergonomic tweaking before the ride tomorrow..



gorgeous colour. very midnight;)

Its a big frame 25"? you must have arms like an urangatan ;)

I had a 25" Carlton once and it was a very comfortable ride.

I really like the modern rims with classic steel frames they are a nice blend of old and new.

Very nice;)
asterix said:
..and here is the 'axe' with new bits. Might need a bit of ergonomic tweaking before the ride tomorrow..



[quote name='swee'pea99']

It is of course possible to come a cropper. As it is buying a new bike. .[/QUOTE]

it certainly is.

I always recommend second hand quality bikes (old or new) over modern new bikes if the budget is less than about £450 you should be able to get a much better bike.

The only reason i sometimes recommend a cheap new bike is where the purchaser is new to biking and has no practical skills or knowledge of bike maintainence. At least with a new bike they will benefit from a years warrantee and a free service etc;)
I have no great experience with this but I bought a Felt F85 which was and still is about £700 new for £130 two years ago. At the time I think it was about five years old. It has 3x8 gears and sdi shifters. Apart from a new saddle and tyres (choice not necessity) I have spent nothing on it.

So I would say on the price side - why get something older? I think the chances of problems, rust and obsolete spares will mean you have more chance of having to spend on it.

If however you want an old bike because you want an old bike then that is a different matter.

A bit like a car - 10 year old ones are dirt cheap so why get a 20 year old one?


New Member
asterix said:
..and here is the 'axe' with new bits. Might need a bit of ergonomic tweaking before the ride tomorrow..


Is that a 32 ring and a 28 sprocket as a low gear?

It certainly needs a gear that low on a bike that heavy ;) :ohmy:


New Member
jimboalee said:
Is that a 32 ring and a 28 sprocket as a low gear?

It certainly needs a gear that low on a bike that heavy ;) :ohmy:

23 1/2lb I guestimate.

Nice choice of gearing for an Audax jobbie.

30" lowest for a 20% hill. :biggrin:


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
D'you know I can't remember exactly what the gearing is!;)

However, it is the same as pre-renovation which means I can ride up a 33% hill in Bransdale (North Yorks) without much effort other than keeping the front wheel on the ground. So it'll be under 30". You may be right about the ring, but the sprocket is more likely bigger than 28.

Being a tourer, it is a heavy-ish bike, made from 531ST but I don't mind heavy bikes, having done the tourist Raid Pyrenean on a laden tourer, i.e. a 28lb bike plus 20kg of luggage. I want to do the 100 hour one next year on a 24lb machine, unladen this time.


[quote name='swee'pea99']You really must stop sweet-talking people 'nut - it's a bit nauseating. ;)[/QUOTE]

you should hear my chat-up lines for the ladies :blush::biggrin::biggrin:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
1980's bike are rubbish, just like this one....;)

Not for sale though......... although you can pick up some top notch machines, and like folk say, it's the engine that counts.....:blush:



Legendary Member
Manchester. UK
try to read what is written before jumping on the bandwaggon with all the other kneejerkers .

Read the original post and try to understand what is required by the op rather than use every post as an opportunity to vent your spleen.

You're a sweetalker. Venting my spleen? LOL. Don't think so. Just putting forward an experienced opinion. May not agree with yours but I still have a right to express it.
You have such a nice way of encouraging other new members to post. I don't know, whatever happened to good manners?
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