Andy in Germany
- Location
- Rottenburg am Neckar
Half of the population have a below average IQ.
IQ varies depending oin a number of factors, including how full/tired you are when you take the test.
Half of the population have a below average IQ.
My mate and his wife got caught out last summer when they arrived at the villa they had booked online to find it was a private house.
He showed me the villa online before he went and it looked ideal as did the website.
My mate and his wife both university educated and have booked umpteen of these types of trips previously so certainly not gullible sheep.
Performance on any test varies. The IQ test is designed to give an average score of 100, although it is culturally sensitive (the average score in some countries is lower than others) and is rising over time - if an average adult today took a test from the 1960s they would score over 100, I believe (or rather, I'm sure I remember reading somewhere once)IQ varies depending oin a number of factors, including how full/tired you are when you take the test.
"When Jesus said we were like sheep it wasn't meant as a complement..."
The fact you knew that website existed is worrying.
What's your point?
The human race has always operated largely on trust. Fraudsters have always found ways to betray that trust, and in the modern world the methods are becoming increasingly clever, so be careful before you poke fun at others that have been caught because it could be you next!
Just like a goats bell, nowt strange.I've seen a cow bell, but never a sheep bell. Strange that.
We have them here.I've seen a cow bell, but never a sheep bell. Strange that.
Missed this the first time somehow - you were right first time - IQ tests produce a pretty good approximation of a normal distribution with a mean (and median and mode) of 100 - the tests are adjusted to maintain this. A reputable IQ test is closed - i.e. there is a top limit to the score - largely because you can't accurately calibrate them at the tails because the sample size is too small. Different tests have different top limits, which is why people often say what test they got the score on, although the tabloids who are doing are 'wonderkid' story always choose the one that goes to the highest number, obviously.After posting my comment I thought a bit more deeply and decided I was probably wrong. I'm not familiar with how the I.Q scale works but assume you can only go as low as zero, while the clever ones can be infinitely clever, thus upsetting the perfect bell curve distribution. I'm sure someone cleverer than me (or more studied in maths and statistics) will be along shortly to enlighten us both.....?