Are heart rate monitors any good?

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I take it you are not a morning person, as everything you have listed is the opposite of this household. I like nothing better than being out on the roads before most people wake up, and the feeling of achievement of a job done lasts with me all day. Of course there is always the opportunity to fit two rides into one day, or less of a chance of missing a ride due to unforeseen commitments that arise later in the day.

Some people can do mornings some cannot, I fully accept that.
I am very much a morning person but start work too early to even consider going out before hand. I cycle after work.
At the weekends i am out in the morning before the other half wakes up. It's almost like sneaking out if i a honest. :ph34r:


I just seen where you live, what a great place for cycling I was up there last month.
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