Are cyclists the scourge of the streets?

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Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
He's not the one lurking on a forum, just waiting for his name to be mentioned so he can whip out the clever clever image file he's got stuffed in his back pocket. Which let's face it is downright weird.
Mr loophole annoys me... Wants legislation against cyclist toughened up but helps motorists flaunt the law..

He has always made me angry.. Even when i was just a motorist not a cyclist
As I said when the bbc aired his errant nonsense last year, he makes his living by exploiting weaknesses in legislation to stop dangerous drivers from being removed from the roads. In this regard he has as much authority on matters of road safety as a burning bag of s**t.

His opinion on this is worthless and it's indicative of how weak the production values of this show are that they've used that ambulance-chasing daffodil as a source.


Leg End Member
We certainly could have used a couple of better spokespeople at the end to discuss cycling on the pavement but I'm not sure this programme was as bad as some were expecting.
West Midlands Police appear to be using material from stayinaliveat1.5 in Ireland. The folder pulled out has their car sticker on it.
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