Are cyclists more left wing?

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Theres left wing...and left wing. Ditto the right.
I despise the hard left yet there was a questionnaire on here a few weeks ago that resulted in a 'how far from centre are you'...and I came out firmly but not deeply on the left.
Based I guess on my belief the less fortunate deserve your help and understanding, I'm remarkably financially supportive of my family..but I dont really do the 'right past wrongs' thing etc. Equally I believe in you forge your own way, or at least try hard to. Less attractively by my own admission is the cant solve everyone's problems so I get irritable at the idea we can.

So what I've realised is the problem is, I tend to associate the 'left' with hard left, that's what we've really seen through the Corbyn years (IMHO) . I suspect a lot of people feel the same.
Ultimately I consider myself middle of the road, both sides have their pros and cons, not to think so is just plain short sighted IMO.

Cyclists left or right ? Probably the same mix as any other parts of society ?

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
The most far left party leader in history rides a bicycle, that should tell you all you need to know.

Boris Johnson?
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Being serious for a moment, which is very difficult for me, I do not view myself as either left or right. I do not susbcribe to party politics, or societally conditioned notions of what is left or right.

No, I have my own views on each topic of interest, and they are not mutually dependent upon one another to conform to some notional political structure. On the one hand I may be all for save the orphans, but on the other might be supportive of nuking the whales, and where that sits on someones neat and tidy scale of bullsheet political observance is neither here nor there to me.

The discovery of oil for lighting actually saved the whales. It saved the turtles too, as they were culled to be used as a form of plastic.

The current greens are risking it all.:becool:


I'm slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun.
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Legendary Member
Theres left wing...and left wing. Ditto the right.
I despise the hard left yet there was a questionnaire on here a few weeks ago that resulted in a 'how far from centre are you'...and I came out firmly but not deeply on the left.
Based I guess on my belief the less fortunate deserve your help and understanding, I'm remarkably financially supportive of my family..but I dont really do the 'right past wrongs' thing etc. Equally I believe in you forge your own way, or at least try hard to. Less attractively by my own admission is the cant solve everyone's problems so I get irritable at the idea we can.

So what I've realised is the problem is, I tend to associate the 'left' with hard left, that's what we've really seen through the Corbyn years (IMHO) . I suspect a lot of people feel the same.
Ultimately I consider myself middle of the road, both sides have their pros and cons, not to think so is just plain short sighted IMO.

Cyclists left or right ? Probably the same mix as any other parts of society ?
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