roley poley
- Location
- leeds
ahh good old cut and paste engineering the best frame builders going
Personal experience or hearsay from papers?It appears government backed bank loans to small businesses are an April Fools joke...
Chapeau to them, as hardly anyone else seems to have bothered!
As a lurcher owner, I find that quite amusing. Mine is a sideboard surfer (thief) and takes up the sofa, thus is also long.Forever Hounds Trust has learnt that a shock new ruling has stated that the word 'lurcher' can no longer be used to describe a dog. Historically, the term 'lurcher' means thief, so as not all lurchers are thieves, it is now deemed politically incorrect for this name to be used any longer.
Mr Joseph King of the regulatory body who is enforcing this new legislation tells us "a study undertaken by a top university has found that that not all lurchers are thieves, so it's unfair to tar them all with the same brush". The new directive is that all lurchers MUST now follow the designer breed naming methodology and be defined by the breeds that form their genetic make-up. For example, going forward, a bedlington terrier x whippet must be referred to as a 'Bedpet'.
The term 'longdog', must also not be used, as many have been deemed to not be that long. We have challenged that last statement as, being known as sofa dogs, most longdogs can actually take up most of the sofa! The question now arises, what should lurchers and longdogs now be called if they have three or more breeds in their genetic make-up? In this instance, the term 'mixed breed' or 'mongrel' MUST be applied.
This has caused a significant issue for Forever Hounds Trust, as our strapline "helping greyhounds and lurchers into happy homes" can sadly no longer be used. Instead ALL the breed options must now be included which will make it a bit too long. We are concerned this new ruling will make it virtually impossible to describe what we, as a charity, do.
I found it, but damn, it is obscrure.
It is in the photo of this thread, and starts with a Z.
Zerts.'Insertz answer here'