Having had four p*******s in three days is there any way to appease this malevolent fairy?
The Celts were all for sacrifice to appease the River gods so perhaps that is the way to go; maybe I should sacrifice a hen before I ride!!!!!
OK lets go through a process of elimination.
Nothing left in the tyre? check inside and out.
Tyre in good condition?
Nothing in the rim or rim damaged?
Rim tape OK?
Not pinching the tube when fitting?
Tyre seated on the rim correctly & not lifting off?
Its not that rare to hear someone with your problem, or worse.
Generally its due to one of the above, unless you are riding in an area were the hedge row have been cut and sharp thorns have been left everywhere or something similar.
Of course it could be just bad luck in which case you will have used up enough bad luck for months to come.