Phoned the LBS , they said that there are too many 9 speeds about for them not to carry on making parts ..
No matter, you'd be absolutely nuts to take Sora or Tiagra over Apex IMO. You'd be nuts to take 105 over Apex for that matter too IMO.
I've had/got 105, tiagra, rival, and red. Sram every day for me now. The hoods have much better ergonomics, double tap is much much quicker at shifting than Shimano's STI method and also more intuitive, the cassettes on Sram are forged whereas Shimano are stamped and chew freehub bodies, the Sram cassettes can give you a bigger range than most triples, shimano rear deraiileurs will skip gears at the slightest kink or piece of grime on a cable. Only plus side for Shimano is that its shifting is quieter and smoother.
EDIT: and don't worry about the servicing, any LBS worth its salt will have no problem with Sram - and you'll have less frequent needs for servicing anyway in my experience