Now listen hereI am telling you lot this only.Hearing aid batteries.For some reason our Leeds Health Authority Hearing and Balance Centre.Has stopped supplying batteries to Doctors Surgeries,i don't know why but it has caused chaos here in my part of Leeds.There are only certain days in the month and about a two hour window,to get you hearing aids sorted out.It was stupid and chaos at our first time,thirty seven people were in the first hour,so god help you if you were number 37 on average 3 mins each,so you at the back had a long wait.
So since then i have been digging i also sent two emails in complaining about the crap service we now get,i got no reply,but here is the way to get round it.GO TO ANY SPECSAVERS THAT HAVE A HEARING AID dept,they will sort you out as a Nhs patient thus saving you some time.Just don't tell them i told you.