I have high cholesterol readings, when living in France on I was put onto Statins but I didn't like taking them and so I opted to take myself off them, an action which was much to my French doctors dismay!
Some months after doing this and whilst still having monthly blood tests, I had a replacement hip opp at the Clinique du Sport at Merignac Bordeaux which is the top clinic of its' type in the whole of France. To say the Clinique was thorough is a profound understatement because prior to my opp I had to undergo numerous tests and checks one of which, because of my cholesterol levels, was an ultra sound as well as a CT scan of my heart, the results of which quite frankly amazed the consultant undertaking the tests, the reason being that I have absolutely zero furring up of any of my arteries.
On my return to living once more in the UK, when in conversation with my local GP in Wales, I told him about my cholesterol levels and the tests that had been carried out and his reaction was a real eye opener as he started banging his desk whilst saying "YES, YES, YES" etc.!
It turned out that prior to becoming a GP he had worked for a long time with a study group at Cambridge University, he said their research had revealed a sizeable majority of people who are on Statins do not need to be, he also told me of a remote tribal group somewhere in Africa they had found all of whom had exceptionally high cholesterol and yet they were existing on a nigh on perfect diet with virtually no fats or sugars, very high levels of exercise and on checking this entire remote group, they didn't find a single person with any signs of furred up arteries.
So if you are on Statins, do you really have to be on them?