Anyone know how this window sill's attached?

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Screenshot 2023-05-18 13.52.10.png

You don't see craftsmanship like that anymore :whistle: ^_^


Legendary Member
hmm. a load of "posh" as my dad would have said. Looks like you're getting back to something vaguely solid though :okay:


This link shows how the box sash window is made up.
The 3 piece frame lining is indicated by '14', the inner & outer linings are slotted & nailed over the box cill '10'.
I spent many days as a young carpenter/joiner chopping out rotten sections & splicing cill & linings, hated doing them.
Some great repair pictures here for reference.

Thanks - I'd already taken the plunge, but that would have been helpful if I'd seen it in time! As it turned out, I just followed my instincts and it all worked out. It was the box cill (according to that pic) that was gone. One end was so rotted, it came out with a modest bit of gbh with a chisel, t'other I ended up cutting through with a saw, straight down.

So far so good...


Keep us updated with pics of your repairs.


Getting there. Now to fill the gap with mortar cement, before getting 'er indores to use more mortar cement to build up the back of the main sill - the stone one - and 'reslope' it so it slopes away from the house rather than into it, which is what caused the rot in the first place. She's really good at that sort of thing. Then just a few little gaping holes to fill and Bob will apparently be my uncle. I've never met Bob, but I'm sure we'll get on. Incidentally, if anyone has any ideas on what I should use on the timber before painting it, I'm all ears...

Thanks all.


Now, here's a funny story...

Month or so ago, I was riding back from dumping my car off at the garage and came across a timber merchants and thought oh that's handy because our timber shop has recently closed down.

And a week or two later I came back and said to the bloke that I needed some wood for a sill, which had rotted, and he took me down to the other end of the yard and showed me some moulded timber that I never knew existed , but I could see immediately was the right kind of thing. And I said is this what everyone uses for windowsills round here, in yer standard terraced houses? And he said yes. How much do you need? And I said I don't know actually, and anyway I'm not ready to go ahead, but it's great to know that it's here so thanks for that. And I left.

And when the weather finally relented enough to let it happen I came back. And I went into the office and I spoke to another bloke and I described my earlier encounter and said I was looking for a section of this wood and he said how much do you need and I said 705 mm and he said well if you know where it is then go up and have a look. There might be some offcuts, if you can't find anything that looks right come back and we'll cut some for you.

So I went up to the other end of the yard and I looked at the timber and it was mostly in 5 m lengths. And then I noticed one piece leaning up against the wall that looked like it might be about right. Being an idiot I hadn't brought a tape measure, so I carried it back from the far end of the yard to the office, and I said to the guy have you got a tape measure? And he took one off the stand and measured it. 705 mm.


And when I'd recovered I said how much do I owe you. And he said, oh you can have that...

Result! :thumbsup:


Postie was right - bish bash bosh, jobs a goodun...

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