Now, here's a funny story...
Month or so ago, I was riding back from dumping my car off at the garage and came across a timber merchants and thought oh that's handy because our timber shop has recently closed down.
And a week or two later I came back and said to the bloke that I needed some wood for a sill, which had rotted, and he took me down to the other end of the yard and showed me some moulded timber that I never knew existed , but I could see immediately was the right kind of thing. And I said is this what everyone uses for windowsills round here, in yer standard terraced houses? And he said yes. How much do you need? And I said I don't know actually, and anyway I'm not ready to go ahead, but it's great to know that it's here so thanks for that. And I left.
And when the weather finally relented enough to let it happen I came back. And I went into the office and I spoke to another bloke and I described my earlier encounter and said I was looking for a section of this wood and he said how much do you need and I said 705 mm and he said well if you know where it is then go up and have a look. There might be some offcuts, if you can't find anything that looks right come back and we'll cut some for you.
So I went up to the other end of the yard and I looked at the timber and it was mostly in 5 m lengths. And then I noticed one piece leaning up against the wall that looked like it might be about right. Being an idiot I hadn't brought a tape measure, so I carried it back from the far end of the yard to the office, and I said to the guy have you got a tape measure? And he took one off the stand and measured it. 705 mm.
And when I'd recovered I said how much do I owe you. And he said, oh you can have that...