Anyone know about headlight levellers?

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Über Member
In Oct our Ford Ka+ just scraped through the MOT test when we found the headlight 'adjustment motor' wasn't moving one headlight. This feature is where (if there are passengers in the rear seats) the headlights need adjustment by moving a dial to a higher number, thus lowering the headlights to normal level because passengers in the rear seats have caused the rear to descend thus effectively raising the front. I suspect most drivers don't pay attention to this feature (my Wife certainly doesn't consider it) - In her defence we rarely have rear seat passenger. Anyway, even though the lights were set at O, and headlight beams were correct, the facility to move them has to be active in case passengers are carried (I accept that). At MOT test the LH light wouldn't move. A whack with a screwdriver handle to the stepper motor go it moving so the car was passed. I need to fix it, and although it may only need a squirt of silicone spray there appears to be no 'oil hole access' or means to remove the stepper motor without removing the headlight. Headlight removal looks like it also needs front bumper removal (what joy). Anyone experienced the same problem? I'm considering seeing if the motors will move (colder weather compared with day of test) and cycling them several times - it may cure the problem? Or, of course, it may end up with headlight permanently in the 'pointing at the ground' position.


Legendary Member
Not on a Kack, but had this on other cars. The motor usually just unclipped or pulls off the headlamp. It should be self evident once you're in there but, as you say, access is the hard part on one of those.

If its working now I'd personally leave it and then cycle them every month or so to keep everything limber, an would only replade the motor it it permanently went south.


Über Member
Not on a Kack, but had this on other cars. The motor usually just unclipped or pulls off the headlamp. It should be self evident once you're in there but, as you say, access is the hard part on one of those.

If its working now I'd personally leave it and then cycle them every month or so to keep everything limber, an would only replade the motor it it permanently went south.

That is my approach, however, if I try them and the lights move down but don't go back again I'm snookered!


Über Member
I tried the up-down control a few minutes ago. The bad news - neither headlight moved....... The good news, they didn't lower and refuse to return. One for the warm months ahead.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I didn't realise that headlamp up&downing was part of the MOT. I presumed that as long as theyre adjusted correctly that it's a 'pass'.


Über Member
Ironically when we bought the car (new) the headlights (even on zero setting) pointed too far down. I took it to local garage and they said (they're ok), presumably because they wouldn't dazzle anyone. I took measurements and adjusted them against the garage door one night. It was then possible to see where we were going and nobody has ever flashed to suggest the lights are a problem. It has passed 5 MOT tests since and now decided to be immovable. The garage that last tested it thought the switch may have been the problem, until they 'nudged' the stepper motors into working.


It's made me think, I don't think I can adjust mine manually but there is a mechanism on the rear suspension, a rod mounted on ball joint and a sensor which senses the ride height and adjuses the headlamps accordingly. Somewhere near the rear coil spring on mine. P9ssible similarity?


Über Member
Bristol, UK
My estate car has a complex ride height system that inflates/deflates the air bags in the rear suspension to adjust both the fore-aft and left/right angles of the body of the car, and therefore the headlights. Added to that, when the car recognises an oncoming vehicle it adjusts the angle and direction of the off-side headlight so as not to dazzle the oncoming driver. All-in-all it's a bl00dy clever system :bravo: which works whether I'm driving on the left or right and which I'm equally sure will cost an absolute fortune to fix if (when?) it goes wrong :cry:
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