Anyone know about Immobitag?

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Leg End Member
Had a "real-time" tracking system fitted to one of these:

Last seen by me at a house on the outskirts of Doncaster. Went posing as a buyer, "asked" to leave when the reader started beeping. Lat known location was on the island of Holyhead, frequent trips having been made to the North Wales coast prior to this.
My problem was getting the police interested. They saw it as only a bike, not worth bothering about.
Didn't work too well if stored in the newer type of industrial estate, metal sides & roofs, blocked the signal.

For smaller items you could always consider
Again though it depends a lot on the person who finds it. Have they got the time/equipment to check it.


New Member
I put one in along with the stickers and then registered it all online. In my view it's better than nothing and along with the locks I use and the fact I have drops on the bike I feel I have made it as unattractive to the casual thief as possible.

At the end of the day though if someone really wants your bike it's going to be knicked.

mr nobody

New Member
Surely if you put the sticker on then it is telling peope where to look for the device as they can check what it is online. Don't put it on and they won't look for it. Maybe remove the name immobitag and leave the rest of the warning would be the best bet.


slower but no further
SE London
Got given one for free by PCSO when entering East Finchley tube last night on my Brommie. Appears it won't work with a brommie or, at worst, really immobilise it one put it in the seat tube and it got stuck!

Am I wrong or should there be a warning not to try?

Re the sticker - On balance it is probably better to put it on. It may deter and if it is recovered then it reminds the plod to use a scanner. Most thefts are by amateurs/chancers so even if they can read they may not have the nous to remove. As for professionals - I would think they routinely scan anyway so it doesn't matter - they are probably the same guys who also do high value motorbikes which have a high probability of being tagged.

IMHO the real gain from this is not the tag itself but just encouraging people to record their frame numbers!

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
StuartG said:
Got given one for free by PCSO when entering East Finchley tube last night on my Brommie. Appears it won't work with a brommie or, at worst, really immobilise it one put it in the seat tube and it got stuck!
Could it go in one of the frame tubes (ahead/behind the main hinge)?

I agree it wouldn't be much use in the seat tube!


slower but no further
SE London
Thanks for advice but I thought it might be good for my road bike.

I am really having a senior moment with this device or the instructions & website are terribly confusing. The instructions say go to and click on the immobitag icon. There isn't one!

Created an account to see whether there is a place when registering any product. I can only find a generic 'marking'. No advice as to whether to enter the tag or seperate & different barcode number or both. As the barcode is sticky too - is this supposed to be stuck on the bike.

StuartG said:
I can only find a generic 'marking'. No advice as to whether to enter the tag or seperate & different barcode number or both. As the barcode is sticky too - is this supposed to be stuck on the bike.

I entered 3 numbers seperately:
- Barcode number
- Tag number on the big sticker
- Frame number

I know what you mean though as it doesn't let you identify which is which, but in the comments i mentioned the numbers and what they related to.

I stuck the barcode on too, but on the underside of my top tube so not overly visible. The main label is visible on the seattube.



Active Member
I know what you mean though as it doesn't let you identify which is which, but in the comments i mentioned the numbers and what they related to.


Just necro-ing this thread to say that they really haven't made the process any more user-friendly IMO (ie just click an icon and put in the number)...


New Member
Has anyone actually baught one of theses, Had their bike stolen whilst the track is attached to their bike and experienced what it is like to try and retrieve the bike bike and what they felt the experience was like from the service provider and police? it just seems everyone is offering conjucture rather than actual experience of having the service?


All of ours are Datatagged - its easy to do and only requires a simple UV touch to read the markings (invisible under normal light) so no complicated or expensive detectors required
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