Anyone got kidney !

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Thanks for asking uclown2002. After pushing to get an earlier blood test I had one taken at the local hospital and the very next morning I got a call from my local surgery asking me to attend the same surgery in two weeks for another blood test. Which was yesterday.
I wanted an earlier one again but they insisted on the two week gap .Any way during the interim period because I was still feeling rough I went to see the doctor and he told me that I was making too much creatinine and if I exercise I should not do it strenuously as it creates more of this. He also gave me a bottle to use for a urine sample and the form with it had CKD on it, chronic kidney disease so that's as far as I know. I didn't get a call from the surgery this morning so I am taking that as a good sign but I will just have to deal with it if I do have something wrong.This getting old bit isn't all it was cracked up to be ie no work long holidays etc.


Thanks for update; good luck.


Voice of the people
Yeah, good luck @hondated
If it's any consolation, they would have called you back ASAP if the situation was urgent.
That's what I found in my experience of such things.
Keep us updated if you want to mate.


Legendary Member
Just picked this thread up.
After the camera showed my cancer was lookig good (no signs) i was sent for a UV scan which showed a swollen/partially blocked kidney.
I was sent for an "urgent" blood test which they say was "satisfactory".
Apparently symptoms can be tiredness, sickly feeling and a "heavy" stomach....all of which I have been feeling.
I see the specialist Oct 12th.


Dave sorry to read that but I am pleased to read the cancer problem is ok. Fingers crossed.
Make sure you keep us all informed after you have seen the specialist. It does seem to me that the kidneys must be on of the hardest body parts to detect a problem until it's at the later stages. I still haven't heard about my second blood test so I am taking that as a good sign.
The only downside to that is that to improve my creatinine level I have reduced the amount of cycling I do. But if it's going to help the problem then I will live with it.
If your like me Oct 12th must seem a life time away but try not to worry because as our forum colleagues told me they would have you in quick if they thought there was a need for it.
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