You should email them and ask for a copy of the photo.I am! On the morning after some football game took place, in which a mediocre England team fluked a win over a poor German team , The Scotsman goes with more important stuff, like the Waverley making it's first sailing of the summer.
Who is that standing on the beach, taking a photo of the Waverley? The photo featured in yesterday's "Your ride today" thread.
It was actually the back pack I recognised, for carrying my lunch and sunscreen!
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It's in this photo, leaning against the tyre of the boat launcher on the beach, to the right of the church. You might need to zoom in! The famous Nardinis café is just in shot on the left as well.Oi, where is your bike ? - could have entered the 'your bike and a boat' photo thread !
Its how its was said back in day "Doon the Watter"
Use a spellchecker and you can instantly write American.... (cyclechat spell checker tries to change 's' to 'z' a bit in certain words).Down is misspelt too.
I'm allowed to go cycling on my own.Are you social distancing or do you not have any friends?