I've got this to come in a year or so. In terms of getting son no. one into a secondary school we've got a number of choices.
11+ and grammar - forget it, he's unlikely to make the grade, and if he did, he would be at the very limits of the grammar school's boundaries and they select on closest pupil's first (which is why I didn't get in despite 11+).
All boy church school - seems to be favourite at the moment and he would qualify for this as he is in a church school. Drawback - would have to travel 10 + miles & take a bus every day which (similar to the grammar, even if he did get in) limits your social development as you can rarely mix with pupils out of school hours as you always have to get the bus and travel home (1 hour min.) Good academic standards and girls avoided until the age of 18 (would have been a plus for me, but I wouldn't have met wifey).
Local 5 star rated comprehensive/sixth form - would have to move to go to this or take an entrance exam. Possibility but the school has a bad reputation for bullying and sixth form drugs.
Nearest comprehensive. Being rebuilt before his time to attend (2011) and results have been improving recently. Outside chance but possible choice. Lots of close friends will be attending this one.
Fee paying. Still would have to travel (1hr plus a day) but good choice of schools available, subject to minimum academic standards. Disadvantage; well I would have to pay. Distinct possibility.
What should we do? I just don't know right now.