Anybody lost a phone

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Kilometre nibbler
I found one. A bit smashed up but working. In a Quadlock case so almost certainly from a cyclist. Near Groombridge. Here

I didn't know what to do with it. I figured that if it was me I'd retrace my route as soon as I missed it. So taking it away with me could be very unhelpful. I left it on the mown verge where it was very visible and safe from being run over. But it will get wet when it rains.

I spent quite a while pondering what to do. It was locked as you'd expect. I suppose I could have taken it with me, answered it if it rang and when I got home popped the SIM out, and maybe the SIM Serial No would be enough to contact the network operator. Or maybe I could discover some kind of found phone procedure. But I didn't do that.

And having seen that I will never trust a Quadlock

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Even when locked the emergency contacts if set can often still be called.


Legendary Member
I lost my phone when I fell over whilst walking, and didn't notice until bedtime. I pondered whether to go looking for it next day, but as it had been raining and I'd hurt myself quite badly I wasn't keen on the idea of struggling all the way back and finding it was waterlogged and useless, so I rang it to see if I got ring tone.

Then the following morning I got a call from someone who had found it, and a few minutes later she was on the doorstep with it.


Just start it up and see if an emergency contacts can be dialled.

A good lesson for everyone too. Make sure your phone has emergency contacts.


Grimpeur des terrains plats
Just start it up and see if an emergency contacts can be dialled.

A good lesson for everyone too. Make sure your phone has emergency contacts.

Except... 'left it on the mown verge where it was very visible and safe from being run over'...


Kilometre nibbler
Right. I've figured out how to add emergency contacts to my phone and how to use them. I am now property educated on the subject. I'd never heard of them before.

I apologise a teeny bit to whoever lost their phone if they had them set up and I didn't try to find them. But I don't apologise all that much. After all I'm not the one who didn't even notice when my phone dropped off my bike and rode off leaving it for someone else to deal with.

And if I hadn't spent 10 minutes faffing around wondering what to do then I would have been able to catch an earlier train home. As it was I just missed one.
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