Anybody else dread the wind?

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Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Simple solution to dealing with the wind: if it is blowing in the way you're going, ride out or get a train back or vice versa if it is blowing towards your start point. I had a very pleasant 100 km in this way a couple of weekends ago.


Pretty much the same as brock...drop a coupe of gears and take it steady.
I used to hate it with a vengeance, until i realised you cant beat it, so just find a pace you can live with. From that point on, it doesnt seem so bad.


New Member
sounds easy..just drop a couple of gears and take it I was pedalling like hell down a hill just to keep moving...had i freewheeled I would have been stopped by the wind. I didnt have anyone to pick me up...and as the wind was westerly I would Have run out of land and ended up in the north sea anyway :eek:

Big Bren

New Member
It's demoralising, but until I pluck up the courage to ship the whole clan to sunnier climes, I've learned to live with it; there are even times when I've found myself quite enjoying battling a headwind.

What I have discovered though, inspired by this shite summer and one of the last active threads on the C+ forum, is the genuine joy of cycling in the rain - it's great fun!



Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
It character building and good resistance training, on my commute it is generally with my in the morning and against me on the way home. It is just one of those things.


New Member
I have just come back from a 23 miler down the A4 into a fairly strong head wind :tongue: , cut across at Hungerford towards Littlecote, then back along the A4, this time with slightly less of a headwind :biggrin: (why couldn't it have just kept blowing in the same direction damn it?!)
I feel fitter already :?:
Aaargh wind!! The wind blowing rain sideways into your eyes! (What Mr Morrisette calls the Welsh rain special) Tell me how, as I cycle round 3 sides of a square, the wind is against me all the way???!!


N Ireland
Lenny said:
There's an 11 (22 altogether, 11 each way) mile cycle that is quite a nice spin to take along the coast when time short along the coast here in my part of Ireland. .

I can empathise. I live on a different part of the Irish coast and have similar problems - there must be only about 2 days a year when there isn't a wind. :tongue:
Over the last couple of years I have mostly taken to riding inland along narrow, twisting, undulating country lanes. The road surface is worse than the coastal road but the wind isn't constantly in the face for 10-15 miles at a time. However, on a calm day the coastal road is hard to beat :?:


N Ireland
Andy in Sig said:
Simple solution to dealing with the wind: if it is blowing in the way you're going, ride out or get a train back or vice versa if it is blowing towards your start point. I had a very pleasant 100 km in this way a couple of weekends ago.

I've thought of doing that, but does it not feel a bit like cheating :tongue:


Frogs are people too.
I'm quite relaxed about wind as long as the ride back is not directly into it. Hate the thought of turning round knowing its going to get harder all the way home.
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