Marie Attoinette Fan
Doesn't that make you more likely to have a front-wheel slide? I would have thought a back wheel slide would be more controllable. If you have perfect weight distribution, you can do a two-wheeled drift (which I can do on my MTB on gravelly trails) but on tarmac the loss of grip is simply too quick to control, no?
Not sure I agree with that. A higher C of G would mean that the bike's lean angle changes less if the tyre slides out a few inches i.e. it maintains its line better.
If there is more weight on the front wheel you are less likely to have front wheel slide, there's more pressure on the ground but you are right about rear wheel slide being more controllable. As to a lower CoG, try it, if you don't get on with fine but I certainly feel better cornering in a lower position and as you noted earlier a lot of riders do to