Any PS4 Gamers around?

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I'm looking for a new diversion.
I've just finished The Last of Us 2, which is now second on my list of all time greats. (Top of the list is Red Dead Redemption 2).
I've developed a real liking for these almost Movies-as-a-game style games.

I'm on Spiderman - Miles Morales now, but it's just a glorified Spiderman DLC - I like Spiderman but I really want a new immersive story like the other two.
Any ideas?

I've tried God of War, but I found it a bit dull to be honest.
I'm not a PS4 player, but I've heard from friends that TLOU2 is one of the best games on the platform so it's likely to be downhill from there.
The most notable examples I can think of movies-as-a-game involve quick-time-events, and for those you're looking at either the works of Quantic Dream (e.g. Heavy Rain, Detroit Become Human etc, although I find them to be insufferably self-indulgent and terribly written), and the later games by Telltale Games are considered pretty good (who due to mismanagement no longer exist) and some are worth a look at IMO.

I can't very well recommend games that I haven't played, so looking at the list of top PS4 games that I've played on PC... Let's see.

If you can get it discounted or free, I can wholeheartedly recommend Titanfall 2 if you like action games.
The Witcher 3 is an awful lot of game for the money, but if you don't like RPGs you'll bounce off it - you don't need to have played 1 or 2. In fact it's probably better if you don't play the first :whistle:
For something heavily story-oriented but without the gimmick of quick-time-events, maybe A Plague Tale: Innocence?

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Xipe Totec

Frrrg rrrrf yrrrr crrrnds
I loved RDR2 (although possibly not quite as much as the first one) but gave TLOU2 a miss as I really didn't enjoy the first - I've played too many clunky survival horror types before & the much-praised story turned out a bit obvious & predictable, given the characters & circumstances.

I did play Witcher 3, hoped it would be a bit more Skyrim-ish than it turned out to be. I liked it but for me it suffered a bit from a lack of any remotely likeable characters. That & Geralt's propensity for being able to die from falling off a knee-high wall... :laugh: In fairness I put a lot of hours into it, plus the DLC expansions, so clearly it was doing something right.

A couple of games that I've thoroughly loved, & might be the sort of thing the OP's looking for would include Horizon; Zero Dawn & Ghost Of Tsushima. Horizon has a quite engaging high-concept sci-fi backstory behind the exploring & robot dinosaur hunting, and Ghost tells a tale of loss, revenge, redemption & deliverance through what's essentially 'Assassin's Creed - Samurai' style gameplay & some utterly stunning visuals.


might be the sort of thing the OP's looking for would include Horizon; Zero Dawn & Ghost Of Tsushima. Horizon has a quite engaging high-concept sci-fi backstory behind the exploring & robot dinosaur hunting, and Ghost tells a tale of loss, revenge, redemption & deliverance through what's essentially 'Assassin's Creed - Samurai' style gameplay & some utterly stunning visuals.

Thanks for that. I have seen some good things about the Horizon Games. I'm a big fan of Assassins Creeds also. Have played Witcher 3 and the DLCs. I liked it but it gets a bit samey.


If you can get it discounted or free, I can wholeheartedly recommend Titanfall 2 if you like action games.
The Witcher 3 is an awful lot of game for the money, but if you don't like RPGs you'll bounce off it - you don't need to have played 1 or 2. In fact it's probably better if you don't play the first :whistle:
For something heavily story-oriented but without the gimmick of quick-time-events, maybe A Plague Tale: Innocence?

Thanks Ed. As above, I played all of Witcher 3, which I enjoyed, although it starts to get a little repetitive toward the end, and if you have crafted your Witcher gear, other gear becomes a bit meh.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
Slightly off topic... I've just got my PS2 working again and having a blast on some really old games, before going even further back and trying some old PS1 favourites, namely the Driver series. On the PS2 it looked as blocky as hell so dusted off the PS1 and booted that up. Maybe I'm remembering it as being a lot smoother than it is, but i don't recall it looking like this:

edit... this is how i remember it looking.

...but it's playing as blocky as the first video 😕
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I'm on Xbox but is Horizon Hidden West (might have name a bit off) worth trying, there are two Horizon games and they are both PS exclusive (boo!) and supposed to be very good.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
I'm also in Xbox (one)... currently addicted to Snowrunner.

Maybe we need a more generic gaming thread?


Über Member
I only play games in the winter as busy otherwise. I loved fallout 4, Gods of war was good, and Cyberpunk was a great dissapointment.

Falco Frank

Oup Norf'
As a cyclist/motorcyclist, I REALLY enjoyed the early 'Ride' bike series esp Ride3 and the 2nd Isle of Man TT game...
But, I'm a Fortnite player mainly now so what do I know ;-)

Xipe Totec

Frrrg rrrrf yrrrr crrrnds
I'm on Xbox but is Horizon Hidden West (might have name a bit off) worth trying, there are two Horizon games and they are both PS exclusive (boo!) and supposed to be very good.

Good news is Horizon Zero Dawn's also on PC, although you'd probably need a beast of a system to get the best out of it.

I've played Forbidden West & it's an excellent sequel (currently going through the Burning Shores dlc) but the story is such that it probably would be hard to follow what's going on & why if you hadn't played the first one.
Good news is Horizon Zero Dawn's also on PC, although you'd probably need a beast of a system to get the best out of it.

I've played Forbidden West & it's an excellent sequel (currently going through the Burning Shores dlc) but the story is such that it probably would be hard to follow what's going on & why if you hadn't played the first one.

Yeah my PCs are web browsers only.

Aliens: Dark Descent is out soon, looks like a XCom style turn based shooter. Not sure if it'll be on gamepass though.


Heavy Metal Fan
My son plays PS4. He likes Warframe, and some other anime games. I really got into Gran Turismo 5 back in the day, I think it's on 7 now but it was very addictive and great value for money if you like getting all the cars (value for money in terms of game cost versus how many hours gameplay to be had)
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